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AI tools for digital marketing

Best AI Tools for Businesses to Streamline Digital Marketing

Best AI Tools for Businesses to Streamline Digital Marketing

Danny Shepherd, Co-CEO • Intero Digital • February 1, 2024

AI tools for digital marketing

Digital marketing is constantly evolving, and artificial intelligence is spearheading this revolution. AI tools for digital marketing are transforming the industry in amazing ways, offering data-driven solutions that accelerate traditional approaches and drive remarkable outcomes. 

Read on for a rundown of the best AI marketing tools for businesses and to discover how AI is altering the digital marketing landscape as we know it. 

Predictive Analytics Tools

Predictive analytics, the cornerstone of proactive marketing, has seen phenomenal advancement with the infusion of AI. Tools like Alteryx and RapidMiner empower businesses to anticipate market trends, nurturing a culture of informed decision-making. 

One software company used predictive analytics to optimize Google Ads campaigns. Analyzing campaign performance and customer data allowed the company to identify the most effective bidding strategies and keywords, which resulted in a 20% boost in click-through rates and a 15% reduction in the cost per click. 

By decoding future market trends, these AI marketing tools enable marketers to devise strategies that resonate with evolving consumer expectations. 


Customers today expect fast, efficient, seamless, and around-the-clock support across all devices, channels, and touchpoints. But it can be a tall order for companies to dedicate humans to this task 24/7. 

The advent of AI-driven chatbots like Drift and Intercom has revolutionized real-time customer interactions. By offering immediate, personalized responses on various platforms, chatbots not only enhance the user experience but also reduce operational costs. And why not improve efficiency and lower costs when most shoppers don’t care whether they’re helped by AI or a person — as long as their question gets answered. 

Content Optimization Platforms

Beyond using AI for content creation, businesses are also using AI to optimize their content for search engines to reach their target audience in organic search results. About 97% of digital marketers believe that using AI in SEO is the next big thing, and companies using AI for SEO outperform their competitors by 50%. 

Platforms such as MarketMuse and Frase are examples of AI marketing solutions that scrutinize content and suggest actionable optimization improvements. And AI marketing tools like Clearscope and Market Brew provide insights to optimize keywords, content structure, and backlink strategies. 

Ad Campaign Optimizers

AI algorithms enable more precise audience targeting, dynamic ad optimization, predictive analytics for better campaign planning, detection and prevention of ad fraud, optimization of ad copy using natural language processing, and efficient real-time bidding. But that’s not all. AI-powered analytics tools also provide in-depth performance tracking and optimization capabilities, leading to more effective advertising strategies. 

For example, tools like Acquisio and AdEspresso employ sophisticated AI algorithms to hone ad targeting, budget allocation, and overall campaign performance. 

Customer Insights Analyzers

Delving deep into consumer behavior is pivotal for crafting resonant marketing strategies — and AI can helpAI market research tools like Segment and Optimizely facilitate a granular analysis of consumer behaviors, preferences, and online activity, enabling marketers to design campaigns that resonate with their target demographics. 

Social Media Monitors

Three-quarters of consumers use social media to find information about products and brands. In an age when social media is the lifeblood of companies’ digital presence, tools like Brandwatch and Talkwalker are prime examples of tools that employ AI to track brand mentions, sentiment analysis, and emerging trends, fostering an informed social media strategy. 

Email Marketing Automation Tools

About 76% of consumers say that personalized communication was a key factor in prompting them to consider a brand. Traditional email marketing platforms like Mailchimp and ActiveCampaign have been quickly deploying AI solutions to personalize campaigns based on user behaviors, open rates, and click-through rates. For AI segmentation and automation, Cortex from Retention Science makes decisions in real time to avoid over-mailing your audience. 

Visual Recognition Tools

The analysis of visual content in campaigns is streamlined with AI marketing tools like Google Vision AI and Clarifai. By evaluating the effectiveness and resonance of images and videos, tools like these offer invaluable insights for crafting visually appealing campaigns that resonate with your audience. 

Conversion Rate Optimization Tools

Optimizely and VWO, employing AI, have redefined A/B testing, allowing for meticulous fine-tuning of landing pages to maximize conversion rates. By understanding user behavior and preferences, tools like these help brands design landing pages that convert visitors into customers at a higher rate. 

The amalgamation of AI with digital marketing isn’t a trend — far from it. It’s a monumental shift that’s enabling brands to craft campaigns that are not only efficient and targeted, but also deeply impactful. Leveraging AI strategies and understanding how to use AI for marketing is no longer a luxury — it’s a necessity for effective, results-generating modern digital marketing.  

Want to learn more about how you can use AI tools to strengthen your digital marketing ROI?